When we are connected with Google account and we open new tab for searching with Google, your activity will be remember. It is so disturb me about saving my tracking activity for searching the victim who have any miss configuration or whatever about vulnerability (e.q. a sql injection method). As we know that all of our tracking can be offered by the someone who have a problem with us such as our hacking activity into their system. It can be a fact which have jailed us. Although as we know, maybe there're a hacker group who care with us, but it's never do the better, and not help us to free from the jail. Google History Okay, don't be panic we can delete that tracking to prevent us and stay anonymous. When we are signed in into our Google account, we can open the new tab addresses to history.google.com/history . The Google History will be opened immediately, then you will be asked about your password, type it and log-in. Now, the Google History will show us about o
"A notes from Software Engineer"