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Important Apps for N9

As you know support for N9 has been discontinued by Nokia, but there are small community who still alive to support this device, although it's too rarely to get an support always up to date. Since Android invasion, many of developer left MeeGo, because MeeGo Project has been canceled by Nokia, and now Intel was merged their project again with Samsung, named Tizen.
For make N9 still enjoyable for you, there are some apps will be help you for using Harmattan (after I'm studying to develop apps, I'll take a part to develop apps for this phone).

Filebox is the most popular file manager in Harmattan, although it's not bundled by Nokia at first, but you can install it easily. You can browse, copy, move, delete, and share your files in an easy way. Like if you where using your computer. Filebox also supports compressed files. You can compress or extract zip, tar and tar.gz files. It has a custom clipboard, so you can add all files you want from different folders and paste or cut them in the folder you want. It also has a bookmarks page for fast access to your most visited folders. Installation is very easy, you don't need any customization at your device, just download it into your phone and double tap, it will automatically installed on your device.


Filebox Downloads: Openrepo Developer Page

The Twitter Client default of Nokia N9 isn't work properly, but there's alternative to stay connected with your twitter account beside access from browser, the name of this Twitter Client is Tweetian. Tweetian is a feature-rich Twitter app for Symbian and Harmattan, powered by Qt/QML. It comes with a simple, native and amazing UI that will surely make you enjoy the Twitter experience on your smartphone.


Tweetian Downloads: Openrepo Developer Page

Confused to take screenshot on Harmattan N9? Although the screenshot feature doesn't include on this device by Nokia, but there's a small apps that can help you to get screenshot on N9 named ShotMee. ShotMee developed by Meego Turkey. ShotMee is a utility to take and save screenshots on Nokia N9 from anywhere including the lock-screen. Launch this screenshot utility, minimize it, and take screenshots by double-tapping your phone from either right or left side. Screenshots will be saved directly to the Gallery. Tap the notification banner to open the screenshot so you can share it right away.


ShotMee Downloads: Openrepo Developer Page | Mint Apps

Front Camera
Front Camera is a simple application for taking still photos with the front camera - nothing more, nothing less. It does not support capturing video or using the back camera. Due to hardware limitations the photos have limited quality and resolution. Harmattan PR1.2 or later is required for stable operation. Tap on the shutter button or the viewfinder to take a photo. The photos are stored in the default photo location. Tap on the gallery button or the information banner to open the Gallery.


Front Camera Downloads: Openrepo Developer Page

When you migrating from Android, iOS, Windows Phone, or Blackberry to Harmattan, maybe you think that you'll be can't access WhatsApp from your phone. Because it's not officially supported by WhatsApp. But there's developer who build native apps for this phone named Whatsup. But in order to use this apps you need a small struggle on the first using Unofficially WhatsApp Client for Harmattan. Installation tutorial see this post.


Whatsup Downloads: Openrepo Developer Page  (was deleted) | Openrepo Thread on Maemo

Five apps above is the example that Harmattan not yet died, you'll stay connected to the other although a many apps not updated, but it still works. You can search a lot of apps that can make you use this phone fun or you can start to study in developing apps for this phone.


Erwansyah Anoem said…
I've just revived my Nokia N9 again with Android. Thought the battery was unusable, but turned out there's a bug for Sleeping mode.

I feel sad when the store and some propietary apps don't work anymore due to the discontinued services. That's why I flashed Android to my Nokia N9. But there are still too many bugs/issues.

Then I found your blog. It helped me a lot to find information about the 'still working' apps, and to cheat our way through the Maps and Drive apps. Thank you for that!

Btw, you should add MeeCast to the list as it's an incredible weather app with lots of features (including Standby & Lockscreen plugins).


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