Unlisted Developer is the first of my project on Kali Linux development, we focused on Kali Linux Repository on Indonesia. We offer several advantages about Kali Linux Repository, we don't just mirroring the main Repository of Kali Linux, but we have different management for this Repository. Okay, i'll write down several advantages, why we are better than the other Mirror Repository of Kali Linux.
1. All In One
1. All In One
As we know, the default repository of Kali Linux is divided into three section, this is main, contrib and non-free. Main is the main repository which contain the core repository. Contrib is the repository for contribution. And Non-Free is the non-free repository. On the upper level, there are more kind of repository, for example security.
It's too complicated, because we must add every repository source which provide each feature. On our repository, you just add one repository source and you will get all of the repository feature, include security, update original tools, extra tools. You won't get the disadvantages of the experimental update, because we will testing all of the update before we packaging and add into our repository.
2. Easy Inspection
2. Easy Inspection
When you're ready to be a part of developer, maybe you interest about how we manage the package in our repository. We are open for newbie developer. So, we have commit to make our system of managing package easy to inspection.
We make this repository different with Debian structure, but not totally different. We believe that our structure easier to learn than Debian structure.
3. Small Space
We are still focus on i386 architecture, but on the future we will accommodate all of the architecture, include armhf (raspberry pi). By doing that, we need smaller space than mirroring method. Because we are packaging, not only mirroring. So we can save upto 90% space of the mirroring method space.
4. Reduce Bandwidth
Because we have using small space, we reduce bandwidth too. It's make our bandwidth on the server saving.
5. Open Project
This Project is open, you can contribute and join with us as developer. As unlisted developer, we learn together and develop for the better repository for Indonesian Network.
For more information, click http://herupranoto.web.ugm.ac.id.