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Showing posts from May, 2013

PHPJackal on Action

Maybe, this is your Server?? Check your security about your Server. Webshelling with PHPJackal I have been entered into this Server, I use PHPJackal for webshelling this Server. Contacting the Administrator of this Server? Maybe, if there's an agreement between me and he/she about the Server. Don't think about how secure we are, but thinking how un-secure we are?

Indonesian Dark Wordlist

Indonesian Dark Wordlist adalah proyek baru dari Unlisted Developer yang menghasilkan kumpulan kata (wordlist) berbasiskan pada Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) untuk berbagai keperluan, misalnya teknik bruteforce atau aircracking . Kami masih melihat proyek-proyek sebelumnya masih tidak jelas kelanjutan proyeknya dalam membuat Wordlist, maka dari itulah kami membuat proyek ini sebagai jembatan kepada teman-teman lain yang membutuhkan wordlist yang lengkap tanpa harus bersusah-susah meng- generate . Mengingat proyek ini masih dalam tahap awal, maka banyak sekali kelemahan-kelamahan yang ada, sehingga kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang membangun, supaya kami bisa berbenah dalam setiap tambahan waktu. Selain itu, kami juga masih membuka peluang kepada teman-teman yang ingin bergabung dalam proyek ini, silahkan menghubungi saya via email atau tinggalkan komentar pada tulisan ini. Tidak ada syarat ketentuan khusus, hanya syarat umum yaitu bisa mengoperasikan komputer (mengerti...

Share Connection eth0 on Kali

When I was still using Backtrack as pentest Operating System on my netbook, I need to configure everything about networking, include sharing connection over eth0 interface. I must type on the terminal to set up the interface, then set the IP and netmask, etc. After setting the interface connection, I also must to configure  iptables to forwarding the internet connection from the other interface into eth0 , and the last step I must turn on forwarding rule. It's really fun, although need several step to do it. But, when I am using Kali Linux, I realise that the step which can I do on backtrack doesn't running on Kali Linux. After learn several option about networking on Kali, finally I can share connection over eth0 on Kali Linux. Okay, the first assume that we must have connected internet (not using eth0 ). Next, when your connection are ready, you can right click on the networking icon, select Edit Connection. Edit Connection When the window "Networking Connectio...

Why Unlisted Developer Repo?

Unlisted Developer is the first of my project on Kali Linux development, we focused on Kali Linux Repository on Indonesia. We offer several advantages about Kali Linux Repository, we don't just mirroring the main Repository of Kali Linux, but we have different management for this Repository. Okay, i'll write down several advantages, why we are better than the other Mirror Repository of Kali Linux. 1. All In One As we know, the default repository of Kali Linux is divided into three section, this is main, contrib and non-free. Main is the main repository which contain the core repository. Contrib is the repository for contribution. And Non-Free is the non-free repository. On the upper level, there are more kind of repository, for example security. It's too complicated, because we must add every repository source which provide each feature. On our repository, you just add one repository source and you will get all of the repository feature, include security, update or...

Fixing Flash Plugin Chrome

Installing Google Chrome is the best way to benefit from surfing on internet. Yes, Google Chrome is the most lightweight browser. As a linux user, we know that there're two type of that browser, Google Chrome and Chromium. Chromium is the opensource version of Chrome, and Google Chrome is the proprietary version. When you installed Chromium, you can't installed plugins where available on the Chrome Store, but on Google Chrome it can be. But, there's a problem on Kali Linux, when you installed the latest version of Google Chrome. It's because the newest version of Plugins Flash Player which included on the Google Chrome was not compatible or not stable yet. That version is 11.7 r700. Okay, here i will tell you to fix it. Maybe you want to install Google Chrome at first (read Installing Google Chrome ). Before it, you must be installing Hexedit, because on Kali Linux, Hexedit wasn't installed by default (read Installing Hexedit on Kali Linux ). After that, on Google...

Installing Privoxy beside Tor

Privoxy is tools for configuring proxy on your system. It's needed for anonymous concepts. So, your identity when you using internet keeping from the other person who want to determine what your activity. Usually, i using Privoxy with Tor. Tor is providing the bouncing method with international network, and privoxy will forward it into your local machine with HTTP method. So, if you just use Tor, you can't connect to your local network. Then after you installed Privoxy beside Tor, you will be connected into your local network. Let's begin. The first assume, you running on Kali Linux and you have an installed Tor in your system (see how to install Tor ). If you have the default repository of Kali Linux, you need to add the Debian or Kali Main repository (in this tutorial i will use Debian Main repository), open the sources.list. root@h3:~# vim /etc/apt/sources.list Add the new source of the repository below, save and exit. deb wheezy main ...

Modifying Kali Linux Interface

GNOME is still running on Kali Linux, but the interface of GNOME on Kali Linux is different with GNOME on Backtrack. On Backtrack we can modify it very easy as adding panel, changing the button layout of window manager, etc. As a Backtrack user, i always remember what the desktop environment on Backtrack, and maybe need more time to adapt with the new desktop environment on Kali Linux. But, to still keeping you so that you don't need time to adapt, you can modify the interface of Kali Linux. So you can enjoy the new environment of Kali Linux without afraid about your habit before using Kali Linux. One of more the differences between Backtrack and Kali Linux is the button layout at window manager. At Backtrack, you will found that the button layout located at the left, but at Kali Linux, it will be send back to right. Don't be afraid, let we send back (again) the button layout of window manager to the left. You can use dconf (looks like gconf-editor) to modify it. Run dconf f...

Installing Hexedit on Kali Linux

Hexedit, is tool to edit the hex file. Hex file may contain a binary package which can be execute, after it has been compiled from the source code. Remembering on the last Backtrack, this tool still packaged with about over 300 another tools which ready to doing pentest action. But when I have installed Kali Linux, I did not see that tool again. Although there is another tool like GVim, but I more like Hexedit than another tool. Because Hexedit is lightweight. So we don't need a big resource to using that tool. Okay, because I did not found Hexedit on Kali Linux, I will installed it from the Kali or Debian repository. It the best way to installed Hexedit on Kali Linux. First, you need to open the source of your repository at /etc/apt directory. root@h3:~# leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list Second, add the new source of Kali repository (see recommended repository for Kali Linux ), save and exit. deb kali main Third, you can running update of apt...